October 02, 2003

i can taste the tex-mex now...

ugh. what a yucky week. i'm in the midst of trying to decide whether to withdraw from the English class, 'cause this woman seems like she's gonna be the demise of my gpa. for those who don't know, of ALL classes to be threatening my gpa, it should NOT be english. hello?! i've had articles published in acclaimed newspapers, and she tries to belittle my writing? you can't get the idea w/this woman unless you see her in action, sadly, or else i'd tell you all the things she says to us. but she's basically on a 24-hour a day power trip which doesn't seem likely to end anytime soon. so i'd like to get my revisions of our first paper back before i decide what to do. (who does rough drafts in college?!)

i have all this french to do tonight, but i'm reading these articles for history dicussion group, and i don't think i can do both because i've got to get some sleep tonight. tomorrow nite we're grilling barbecue chicken out on the deck, so i hope it doesn't rain. it's been almost two weeks since i last saw Mike, and i'm kind of irritated to see him again, even though i shouldn't be. but for some reason he's been irritating me lately. ??? i'm such a woman. it must be the PMS.

personally i think i should be dating the guy i saw on the subway platform the other day, but then i probably won't ever see him again. heh. the story of life. it's like, i don't know what it's like.

oh i sang my song today in the jazz concert. it was my best performance so far this year. of course singing it for the class isn't nearly the same as for a real audience, so i'm sure that's why. i was going to be last, but then a girl who was absent yesterday got added to the program. she should've stuck with me. not that the other girl isn't good, but i think she was just nervous, not having run through her piece in about a week or so. i'd like to sing I'm Through with Love. that's a good song. i'll think on that. jane monheit has a nice version of that.

have you ever seen Everyone Says I Love You, the Woody Allen film? it is great. that's where i first heard that song, and its got a lot of other great songs, too. plus a bunch of great actors. goldie hawn, alan alda, natalie portman, edward norton, drew barrymore...great movie.

well i guess i'm done for now.

countdown to dallas: 8 days!

(el fenix is waiting for me, you know.)

blueavenue at 12:46 a.m.

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