April 30, 2004


a survey i found on bzoink.com or something like that because the Friday Five is out for April:

3 things you wear every day::my college ring; glasses; pants.
Have you ever thrown things at cars?:no, but my car has been thrown at.
What did you throw?:n/a
Do you have a cell phone?:of course.
Last 4 digits are..:5332
Boyfriend or friends?:i have friends. some of them are boys, too.
Have you ever been hit on by an much older member of the opposite sex?:YES.
would you ever propose to a guy?:doubtful.
Whats your favorite thing to do in the summer?:strip down when i come in from the heat. or go to the beach.
What would you do if a little kid came up to you,kicked you, and ran away?:yell "HEY!" and then feel/look exasperated for a few minutes.
Do you keep things you do in your relationships secret or public?:what relationships? secret, usually.
Are you ok with PDA?:as long as it doesn't go overboard.
Do you like camping?:absolutely not.
Do you like Aretha Franklin?:sure, why not.
Have you ever went streaking?:only once, on a mission trip in Mexico, but there were only girls.
Are you a people person?:yes.
what is the funniest name you have ever heard?:hmm...my friend's dad is named Santa Claus because his mom let his 10-yr-old sister name him. ok, DUMB.
Do you smoke?:absolutely not.
what is on the walls of your bedroom?:orangish-gold paint and lots of mementos.
have you ever played ddr?:i guess not since i've never heard of it.
ever watch the O.C?:yeah, pretty good, but also about kids who are younger than me.
Do you follow the show American Idol?:sadly. but not in the last few weeks because it's pointless.
Like the band Train?:yeah.
favorite song by them?:hard to say. probably the one about the Milky Way because the lyrics are so interesting.
mom or dad?:what kind of a question is that? do you mean who do i like better? totally depends on what is happening at the time.
would you say you are modest?:pretty modest, yeah.
like to share?:depends on who it's with.
how much makeup do you wear?:not much, but enough.
do you wash your face before you go to bed?:almost always.
bite your nails?:not anymore (GO ME)
like to do provocative dance moves?:uh...not really. i'm modest, remember?
ever wash your hair in another place other than the shower or bath tub?:in the sink at the salon. duh.
is the word love abused?:not w/me, it's not. but sometimes.
think pickup lines are dumb and no one used them in real life?:yes.
how many siblings do you have?:3 half sibs.
how often do you brush your teeth?:at least twice a day, more if i'm home.
what do you want to be when you grow up?:a singer, duh. or a writer. preferably both.
Ever go out dancing?:no.
Can you say no to people?:more than i used to.
ever sneak out?:don't have to, i live 1500 miles away from everyone.
embarrasing moment?:plenty, and i'm not recounting them.
i love you..:what? have i ever said it? not to a man.
do you like rap:some of it.
do you paint your nails often?:no, i'm too lazy. it's always really chipped by the time i get around to it.

really really good random brought to you by BZOINK!

peace out, ya'll! i'm off to Gender Night!

blueavenue at 8:49 p.m.

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