July 04, 2004

surprise, surprise, surprise

well, i got the part. in the show i auditioned for. well, technically the part is double-cast, and we're each doing 3 shows, but hey, who cares?

this should be very interesting since i haven't done a show since high school (read: over 5 years).

schlitterbahn mostly rocked. i am a bit tanned, even. i will try to post a pic once i get back to NY with my camera software. we ended up staying at the park from open till close both thursday AND friday, and consequently didn't get home till 1:30 in the morning. i hate driving at night.

you know what i hate: sick perverts and sexual harrassment. it's just not damn fair that you can't usually do anything about it.

sometimes do you wish you were a kid again? i do. my 6 year-old nephew and i climbed a few flights of stairs to ride a waterslide, and when we got to the top, where you could see for miles, he said, "I can see the whole world from up here!" and i thought, wow.

blueavenue at 4:01 a.m.

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