December 22, 2004

not much of anything, really...

is it just me or are the banners now advertisements for bipolar disorder rather than advertisements for diaries? when did that happen? i must've completely missed that. oh well. i just noticed how i hadn't clicked on a banner in a REALLY long time, and maybe that's why. ha.

earlier today it was snowing. in dallas. in december. so strange. luckily (well i think it's lucky, most of the people here don't) it didn't stick. this is because yesterday it was SIXTY-FIVE degrees outside. and today it snowed. how ridiculous is that?!

i hate that my brother's office is right next to the highway, it's so dadgum loud in here. i can't hear anything anyone says, especially since i'm sort of deaf to begin with.

AGH. i need to get some work done.

an excerpt from my moleskine:

Both H and K think it's probably a bad idea for me to see J too much while i'm in town. They're afraid I'll be miserable when i get back. i'm actually a little worried about that myself. i guess we may have a conversation about the whole 'we live in different cities' thing if it gets necessary. no need to think ahead; i can't predict anything. all i know is i'll talk to him tomorrow, and that's enough for me.

i was really a little shocked to hear J tell me all the reasons i'm intriguing. it's hard to know if someone you've known for a long time can see you in that way. ya know? anyway. it is REALLY snowing hard now. so weird.

well, i guess i'm gonna head over to Mardel to find a song. i have to sing at church on sunday. ugh. not to singing at church, but to going to wade through the crowds to find a decent song to sing. song to sing song to sing songtosingsingsing. uh-huh. i'm completely useless today for some reason. can't focus, can't do much.
i am already going insane from having to listen to the radio in the car because there is no cd player. i know that sounds silly, but the radio can really drive a person mad. am i still talking? useless, i tell you. k, i'm out.

blueavenue at 2:18 p.m.

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