August 07, 2003

you've [not] got mail.

i talked to an old friend from high school tonight. dished the dirt a little. some people haven't changed in the least, some people are polar opposites of their 12th grade selves. it's interesting the way things work out.

on another note, sometimes i wonder what's so hard about hitting reply and typing a few words into a box and then hitting send. is it really that hard? i don't think it is, which must mean only one thing: this person does not want to write me. that is not...what i want. 3 weeks ago i was getting one or two emails a day, and now...this. i don't really understand why i care at all, considering the circumstances --that i won't put in here to maintain a little privacy. but i do. why do people who are supposed to be your friends not treat you like a friend should? the puzzles of life. i hate puzzles.

blueavenue at 11:59 p.m.

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