August 07, 2003

sweet dreams are made of bruce.

last night i had a dream that i don't really remember except that there was some guy named Bruce in it. He had dark hair and light eyes (just the way i like it), and he kept giving me the eye. only it wasn't THE EYE. it was the shy eye. it was strange. who's bruce? i don't know anyone named bruce, and the guy didn't even look familiar.

do you ever have dreams about people who you've never met? do you think your imagination conjures up these people out of nowhere, or do you think they exist somewhere out there? wouldn't THAT be strange. hmm. about a year and a half ago i had a different dream that had a guy i didn't know in it. but that's the only other time i noticed. dreams are strange. and they don't usually make sense.

one day i'm thinking i won't have to talk about my dreams cuz i'll have something that really happened in real life to talk about. maybe. one day. damn.

blueavenue at 3:13 a.m.

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