October 28, 2004

Mary Kay, here I come!

don't laugh. i am officially an Independent Sales Consultant (i think that's what i'm called) for Mary Kay. the cosmetics company. anyway, i haven't talked about it on here, but i've been thinking about it and talking about it with 2 friends who do it for a few weeks now, and i finally caved earlier tonight. so here i am. pretty soon i'm gonna have a whole apartment full of make-up and skin care products. fun fun!! (this could be dangerous.) the point is, if you or anyone you know could be interested in BUYING fun make-up, etc. from me, send them my way and i'll give them my Mary Kay website, where they can shop online. yeah. so great. or if you live in my area (doubtful), you can schedule a "skincare class" that i will happily lead you in and give you fun free samples for getting your friends to come. once i figure out what the hell i'm doing, that is. this may take some time. i am planning to "debut" my new business at a party sometime in December back in Dallas where i know more people. get excited. i feel like i'm a member of another sorority now. i just need a pink letter jacket or a drop with MK on it. lol. oh dear. did i mention that my friend just got her FREE car from Mary Kay this morning and that this summer she's going on an all-expense paid trip to Greece? yeah, ok. that could be me one day.

in the meantime, if you'd like to read an article printed in Jane Magazine a while back about Mary Kay, go HERE and click on the link. it's interesting and funny. i love Jane magazine. i need to renew my subscription.

well, i'd love to stay and chat, but i've got people to go and places to see and miles to go before i sleep. no wait, i'm going to sleep now. yeah, that's it. i am really tired right now! (which is obvious, i'm sure.)

blueavenue at 4:10 a.m.

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