May 15, 2005

i wish...

i am the coolest person ever.

i'm not sure why i felt the need to say that just then, but i did. sometimes i feel that way, and sometimes i don't. kind of like how generally when i'm getting dressed to leave the house, i don't normally spend much time examining myself in the mirror, looking at which body part looks like what, if a certain fold looks funny along my belly or whatever, but then every 3 months or so i can't find ANYthing in my closet that looks even HALFway decent on me. it's a woman thing. moody moody MOODY. but ah, it's part of what makes us fascinating (infuriating?) creatures, isn't it?

i'm just hanging out at kim's place, the dogs are sleeping; rudy is tuckered out because kristen took him for a long walk late this morning! he is so funny; he LOVES going outside. talullah doesn't care as much; she just wants to get her business done and get back in for her dinner/water/treats. i think she's just tired, older. but regardless, they are both amusing. the best thing about animals is when they look at you and you think you know exactly what they're thinking. very funny.

i'm wearing one of my fave t-shirts. it's royal blue with a hot pink design: it's got a big coat of arms and says City of London. i just noticed it has a tiny hole on the front, which probably isn't good considering i bought this shirt new, not at a thrift store. pooey. ooh. a couple weeks ago i got the coolest watch at target. it's band is black, and it has a velcro strap, and a black face with silver outlining, and it has little silver stars decorating the band. it was ten dollars. whee. i really want a new, nice silver watch; the last time i got one was when i graduated high school! that was a seriously long time ago. (6 years!) well, it SEEMS like a long time ago, anyway. 10 years will be here before i know it. (God help me.) but anyway.

i need to send some resumes very badly. i'm never going to get a job. shoot me. i need to call (/want to call) like 14 people. i can't believe it's already sunday. time freaking flies. and i hope and also don't hope my agency gets some work for me tomorrow. sigh. i feel like i should work for a week and then have the next week off, and then work a week, have one off, etc. how nice would that be?

i need to finish packing up all my junk to head home. i can't remember when kim said she was getting in today. i think she said this evening sometime, but i don't know what time. they went to vegas, which is cool, cuz i've never been.

the weather is absolutely gorgeous out. yesterday kristen and i walked for about a total of 4 hours. walked all over the upper west side, ate some burritoville, went shopping, ate some emack & bolios (mmmmmm, ice creammmmm), walked around urban outfitters trying not to cry because i can never buy anything there, etc. last night we went to this chinese place called ollie's, and sadly it was a bust. except for the scallion pancakes, which i love. anyway, it's been an overall good weekend. i feel tired and rested at the same time. friday we went to see Monster-in-Law, and it was pretty funny. jane fonda is kick-ass. she makes the craziest faces ever. highly amusing. i used to be in love with michael vartan (guy from alias) when he was in Never Been Kissed. i still think he's cute, but he doesn't so much do it for me anymore. interesting. you know who is beautiful, and not in a typical hot guy kind of way, but in a soulful, looks very intriguing kind of way? the guy who plays "jack" on Jack and Bobby. and he looks young, but i think he's actually like 25 or 26.

i need to wash my face. i want to move to the City. i want a lot of things. heh, that's a line in Into the Woods. well actually it's "i WISH a lot of things." so true. so true.

blueavenue at 1:18 p.m.

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