May 17, 2005

ipods suck. creative zens rule!

gayla doesn't read diaries much anymore, and she is very sorry.

well, i started a new temp job today. this one lasts about 2 weeks, which is great news, because i was getting a little frantic in my head: pulling out my "emergency lottery tickets" and considering going to the trouble of selling all my old textbooks on amazon or ebay or other such nonsense. in addition to my 2-week job, i'm also going to be dogsitting again for 5 or 6 days, so YAY. i think i'm gonna make rent after all. as for paying my bills...well...let's just say they're already late. shit. but really, i don't know what to do. also, i have quite a few medical bills from over a year ago. the bills are now coming from collection agencies. frankly, if i had known my freakininny insurance wasn't going to cover freaking BLOOD WORK, i wouldn't have freaking HAD IT DONE. am i right? my insurance sucks. hard core. but anyway. that's gonna be gone soon anyway, so no need to complain. i'm thinking i should call time warner soon and either cancel my cable service altogether or at the very least downgrade A LOT. i think i'm gonna cry: i have to get rid of hbo on demand. sigh. at least six feet under hasn't started yet, and probably isn't going to for a long time. i need to be able to pay only $650 a month for my apartment as opposed to $850. is that too much to ask, do ya think? crap.

today at work i mostly filed. it sucked, but at least i'm mainly alone. i like being alone sometimes. everyone is nice, and there's a guy there from my agency, too. we talked for a bit, and come to find out, he's from Norman, Oklahoma. this is good news, as he is going to snoop around and see if he can figure out the whereabouts of my ex-friend/ex-roomie from back in the day. UBER-BI-YOTCH. anywhose. best get goin here. time's a wastin, and i've got some sleep to do.

i am never going to get the job that i want. that sucks.

in happy news, dearest jumblygiant sent moi a package, and it made me grin real big. all the people in the post office were looking at me funny when i went to pick it up. the patrons, not the workers. i have no idea why, unless they were thinking: who sent a package to that little girl? she's only 16. i find that many people think the thought she's only 16 a lot about me. alas, i am not 16. if only life were that easy. funny how i thought everything was so awful back then.

i really need to get up extra early and make a sandwich for lunch and send some resumes. send good vibes and bright eyes for tomorrow morning. (i don't do mornings, like garfield. i'm the worst morning person EVER. you don't want to know me before noon, i promise.)

please forgive me for not reading your diaries and commenting. i am there in spirit. i hate commuting. i love my creative zen micro!!! i now have 999 songs on it, though i'll be deleting quite a few of those; some are duds, and some i just don't listen to. but yeah. peace out, and good night.

blueavenue at 11:26 p.m.

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