August 11, 2005

internet is like crack.

hallelujah! i have the internet again. my, how one week can seem like an eternity when you are fighting off a serious addiction.

well, times, they are a-changin'. more to follow in the near future, but it is REALLY late, and i have to get up REALLY early for stupid crap.

pest control and trash taking-out and cable guy and other stuff like applying for jobs. whoo. only good times being had 'round here.

does anyone watch boston legal? i freaking love james spader. i want to have his babies. well except not, cuz i don't want kids right now. at all, ever. just say no to chillins.

gotta go. have to play catch up soon...i have a quasi-blind date sunday night. hahaha! wuh-eird.

and cut!

blueavenue at 3:04 a.m.

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