December 29, 2004

"i wanna get lost with you..." just in from dallas, folks...

i have so many things to say, but the problem is that quite a number of people who know me in "real" life have this url. what a dumb idea that was. i mean usually i don't write anything of consequence, so it doesn't matter. i never really thought it would matter. i guess i'll just have to put it in nycblues. or maybe i'll just start passwording specific entries. hmm...oh well. it could be worse. my legs could be on fire. or something.

anyway, i DO have loads of pictures i want to post, so if i don't get around to that tonight, i'll REALLY have loads when i get back from D.C. (i'm going down for new year's; yay!) so that'll be fun.

i can't tell you how freaking exhausted i am. but it's nearly 7:00, which tells me it's too late for a nappy-napperton. if i went to sleep right now i'd wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning, wide-eyed and ready for action. no es bueno. so here i am, willing myself to stay awake until 10 or 11. i could go run some errands, but then i'd have to think about finding/not finding a decent parking space. so if i can just get my ass in bed at a decent hour tonight, then i can run errands in the morning before i hit the road to dreamland (i mean D.C., i'm just quoting the song).

A Word to the Wise: never fly out of/into JFK airport. i highly UN-recommend it. k great.

some lyrics/quotes for your reading pleasure:

"I can't take my mind off of you."

"Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's goin' on. Still a little bit of your ghost, your weakness. Still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed..."

"I have searched forever. I can't imagine anything better."

"It's not my style to lay it on the line."

"i wanna hear what you have to say about me; hear if you're gonna live without me; hear what you want;
i remember december"

"we might kiss
when we are alone
when nobody�s watchin�
we might take it home
we might make out
when nobody's there
it's not that we're scared
it's just that it's delicate"

"Oh, this is the start of something good; Don�t you agree? I haven�t felt like this in so many moons; You know what I mean? And we can build through this destruction; As we are standing on our feet..."

"And when I kiss your soul,
your body'll be free
I'll be free for you anytime..."

OK, so this list should've been titled "What Happens When I Am Bored and Stuck on an Airplane." WHEE. what can ya do?

and YES, all the lyrics are gavin degraw and damien rice 'cos i'm gay like that, and like i've mentioned before, i have an obsessive personality. in a couple of months i probably will have worn them out and not listen to them at all anymore. maybe. it's possible, anyway.

ugh. still exhausted. now i'm gonna go copy all my writings from my moleskine from the past week into nycblues, so get excited or something. or fall asleep, which is what I'M about to do. why am i still talking? i'm gonna read this tomorrow and want to delete the whole thing; i can feel it. zut alors!

blueavenue at 6:46 p.m.

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