February 09, 2005

productivity at its best, people.

some not exciting, but necessary things i've accomplished in the past few days:

-deposited my last 2 checks into my Commerce account. (screw washington mutual; they close at 6!)

-finally called the publisher of Rolling Stone yesterday; he called me back today, and I'm actually meeting with him on the 23rd! be still my heart!

-finally got the name of Paul's mechanic yesterday, called him today, and he came to pick up my car. he even called an hour later to tell me that so far he hadn't found anything devastating. WHEE. he'll call me tomorrow with another update. (i love this man already!)

-paid my bills, transferred a balance, started a budget of sorts.

-after a whopping 4 calls to Cingular, was finally informed of the correct way to "migrate" to Cingular from AT&T (is it just me or is the death of AT&T a bit saddening?). spent about 2 hours on the internet researching Cingular phones, because now I have to get rid of my beloved Sony Ericsson, and i simply CANNOT decide which phone to get. boo. any suggestions would be much appreciated.

-finally mailed some postcards to my sisters children that i'd been sittin' on since like day 2 of my job, AKA january 11th. oopsie. also mailed some down payments of bills to a couple of places that my insurance company decided to bail on. yeah, if i'd have known that was gonna happen, i wouldn't have GONE, you freaks. but anyway. what's done is done.

-watched 50 First Dates. cute movie. i quite like Drew Barrymore, and i really quite like Adam Sandler way more after seeing Spanglish. i don't know WHY that movie got such bad reviews, because i absolutely loved it. i saw it freaking twice. oh well.

i would really like to have the DVD set of Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison for my birthday. MY BIRTHDAY! yay! it's coming up in...well a bit over a month now, i guess. i already feel 24, though.

i'm thinking maybe i shouldn't have put all that stuff in one giant list, but oh well.

i should really go to bed, because i have a lot more errands to take care of tomorrow, but i am completely addicted to d-land tonight. i just keep reading and reading and reading you guys. good Lord.

why is life so torturous sometimes?

"When you do dance, I wish you a wave o' th' sea, that you might ever do nothing but that."
--Shakespeare; The Winter's Tale


When I was too small
to understand
You showed me things
Foreign and grown up.
Now I don't know you
at all.
All I have are old,
young memories, and
now that we are both
all grown up,
It's you who has
done too much
and I
who haven't lived
at all.
I am still the child
too small to understand,
and you are growing
older, older,

blueavenue at 3:35 a.m.

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