August 03, 2005

this is the day that the devil has made.

i don't have much time, cuz i'm taking the GRE tomorrow, and today has been the day from hell. let me elaborate.

we woke up at 6:30 to get out to the new apartment by 8:00 am, when the moving truck was supposed to arrive with our stuff. we got there at 8:03. pretty stinking accurate. shocking, really. anyway, i called the terminal to make sure the truck was running on time, because if it wasn't, we were going to run by chic-fil-a for some breakfast. the girl on the line said "he's there. he's been there for about 6 or 7 minutes." "oh," i said. "well, is he waiting at the front gate, because it was open when we got here." she asked him. she got back on and said the address he was at, to verify it was the right one.

it wasn't.

it was K's MOM'S address. which, in rush hour traffic, was at LEAST an hour away. fine. fine. whatever. just come here. bring it over. but no. NO. of course not. because that terminal doesn't TRAVEL to where we were. so great. i was on the phone, back and forth, between the moving company and the truck terminal, from 8:05 to 10:30 without much of an in between. we finally got the situation resolved around 2:00. PM. this is AFTER we went and signed our lease, got the keys to our apartment, and went into it only to discover that it wasn't ready to move into.

YEAH. not kidding. they still had to replace the carpet, which was covered in black spots of dirt, replace the kitchen flooring and CLEAN the freaking thing. not to mention there was a washing machine sitting in the middle of the living room. WTF??

sigh. one thing right after another. i swear. and the sad part is, things like this ALWAYS happen to us. ALWAYS. nothing EVER goes the way it's supposed to; there are always complications of some sort. usually whatever CAN go wrong DOES. it's really "uncanny," which many people have pointed out to us over the years. because when bad things happen to you all the time, people notice. my mom today even said "i'm sorry ya'll have such bad luck," and i said, "yes. yes, we DO have bad luck. thank you for noticing." because we do.

the truck is now coming (or at least they SAY it is coming) tomorrow morning. the guys who are moving our crap from the truck to the apartment are flexible luckily. who knows when the damn truck will actually show up. OR if the apartment will even be ready when it does. but here's hoping. i mean, isn't one day like this enough? for now? sigh. well, i'm going to take my damn test at noon regardless, so they can bugger off.

i think i'm done complaining for now. of course, i could think of more if i thought for a minute. but it's better not to. for your sake. whoever is reading this. bless you. mememe, my life sucks, me! ME!

p.s. if you ever went to sunday school as a child, you must know that song. "this is the day (echo: this is the day) that the Lord has made (echo: that the Lord has made)! I will rejoice (echo) and be glad in it! (echo!)" and so on. today was not the day that the Lord has made, people. God's all, "here ya go, satan! have at it!" and i'm all, "just call me 'job.' " nevermind.

blueavenue at 4:32 p.m.

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