October 21, 2004

cheers, I'm a cute English toy buyer!

my Dad's big-screen T.V. is being delivered tonight. i said, "so tell me about it. is it square or rectangle?" he said "they're all rectangle." well, k's boyfriend has a square one, and i like it better. but oh well. anyway, i said, "well it's not like Tracy's, though." and he said, "well, kind of." and i said, "well, it's not that big, is it?" (we have complained about Tracy's being too big on multiple occassions.) he said: "yeah. i got the biggest one they had." LOL. it was hilarious. my Dad is so funny. they also bought a new bedroom suite, which is good, 'cause theirs was like 800 years old and had turned yellow.

last night i had about the worst dining experience at Abblepee's. you know what i mean. everytime we go there the service is a joke. and frankly, as someone who's actually done the job myself, i have no sympathy for people who suck at it. yes, it's a hard job, but not when the restaurant is empty. so if you suck when you only have 2 tables, the only possible conclusion is that you are sucking on purpose because you don't care. which means you obviously don't care that much about your tip. she was one of those waitresses who makes you feel like you're putting her out when you ask for a refill or an extra plate or really anything. we left 5 bucks, which WE thought was a really low blow, because we always leave big tips, but the girl actually told us "thank you" twice after counting it. this is very sad, as it means that 5 bucks must actually be a good tip there. lesson: don't ever work at applebee's.

the exterminator came this morning at 9, and then i went back to sleep and didn't even stir, much less wake up, till 2:45. wow. i was one tired mug. i have a lot to do around here. i picked up a lot last night, but i need to install some more hanging rods in my two closets, i need to get a bed frame and some risers, i need paint! now that my mom and my aunt are coming to see me in november, i have to get this place decorated. (my aunt is an interior decorator, and i can't let her down.) ok i've got nothing of importance to say, so i'm gonna go. =)
i wish my t.v. antenna worked better. only channel 11 is really clear, and i don't get channel 2 or 3. bummer!
the only thing i'll miss about working at the toy fair is all the lovely English and Australian accents. sigh. i need to move abroad and meet a cute foreigner. ok i'm going... addition: someone in the UK with blueyonder in their server name found my page with the google search "little girls in panties." i am completely disgusted.

blueavenue at 6:07 p.m.

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