August 18, 2004

i am officially boring.

i really wish i had anything to write about (ever) other than work.


i am officially consumed by my job. EWW. i mean, really. EWW.

oh a happy note, though, i got a $75 tip monday night from some mafioso. WHEE. if only i got one $75 tip EVERY night, then i would be one very happy camper.

i hate how even though i'm always exhausted when i get home, i can never go to sleep for a few hours. why am i never sleepy? like today, for instance. i was on my feet for over 12 hours. how is it that i've been home for almost 3 hours and am still not sleepy enough to go to bed? i do not know. that's why i'm asking you.

i need some milk and some new cereal. i'm in the mood for cereal, but i have no milk.

i can't wait to go to the TX state fair. i've got about a month and a half till then, but i'm already anticipating it, especially the food i will eat. (my favorite part of anything is always the food.)

how much does a person's best friend really say about a person? just wondering.

blueavenue at 2:19 a.m.

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