July 10, 2004

crossing delancey

phew. late nite last nite. didn't get home till 4 am! (don't worry, mom, we took a cab.) you know, one would think that you wouldn't miss your stop on the train after having lived there and taken that very train many times, but we missed delancey. so there we were in brooklyn, so we decided to just go to williamsburg instead. we had fun. it was nice being with people my own age, normal, confident girls who don't self-deprecate. that bartender was nice, but his drinks sucked.

kim is a hoot. she's on a boy-crazy kick, which is funny since she's always been in long relationships before. i guess she meets new prospectives a lot in the whole NY musical theater scene. we had some good food in little italy, too, yum.

ugh. my room is a disaster area. it's covered with all my stuff from my trip to texas, and now i have to sort thru it all and put it away. i hate unpacking.

i really want to move to forest hills and get my own apartment. but fat chance there.

why is it that when we're young, we want to grow up so badly because we think we have all the answers and we're missing out on so much...but then when it's time to grow up, everything from the past makes sense, and you realize you never had the answers before, but now you have a lot of them. ? ?

blueavenue at 6:31 p.m.

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