June 09, 2004

me tired, estoy cansada muy si, yes.

i got a haircut, and i am looking very home-grown. k said i should work at bath and body works. i said i may have to if no one else will hire me. positive thinking, great, she said. poo. poo-dee-poo. poo.

well, the 'rents went back to tejas today, and next on the agenda are the following:

1. defensive driving online for my speeding ticket from january

2. so about getting another car since i totalled k's poor accent. pobrecita rolanda.

3. try to get a job lined up for when i get back from tejas early july.

4. oh yeah, get that pesky leg x-rayed and figure out if i can dance in the recital. i guess that has to be done sooner than later, eh? poo again. poo. what else?

i finally got my last grade back from the semester (graduation commencement was yesterday-thank God that's over) and it was a B+. oh well. i was hoping for an A, but what can you expect from a prof who still hasn't returned any of the papers you've written since january??? for crying out loud, lady. my final gpa is a whopping 3.27. that's purty good, i suppose. looking back, i probably should have studied from time to time. oh well. sometimes i think my middle name should be "oh well." it would be very fitting. it's almost my mantra. i'm not actually sure what a mantra is, but i'm thinking something like a motto, only it sounds cooler than the word "motto." eh? oh well. HEH. i'm a bit tired. so long for now, kids.

blueavenue at 8:23 p.m.

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