August 03, 2004

some people.

a cute guy left me a large tip today. always nice.

i like serving cute guys, unless they're with their girlfriends, because sometimes the girlfriend pays, and then she leaves me NOT a large tip because, i'm not really sure, she's threatened or something? by the waitress? i could be totally wrong, but i've seen some crazy stuff go down. i don't even flirt. come on. crazy people, i tell ya.

waiting tables for 12 hours in one day is NOT my idea of a good time, but alas. it is where i will be tomorrow. may God be with me. and you too.

and another thing. large tubs full of tartar sauce are gross!

and another thing. i want to move out of this apartment. i want a new apartment. but where? that is the question. and can i afford it? that is an even better question.

ay dios. my lovely roses:

blueavenue at 2:25 a.m.

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