June 12, 2004

schlitterbahn-the jewel of the brazos!

o.k. went to the mall for the 3rd day in a row, and finally bought something. some cute white platform flip flops by Volatile that are super-squishy. and the little lower east side shirt at yellow rat bastard. it's too bad i don't have any money, because if i did i would buy lots of stuff at that store. but they are dadgum expensive.

i found these diesel shoes i want really bad, and they were on sale for 59 from 85, but they only had size 6 (way too small) and size 8 (way too big). dang. and online the cheapest pair is 80, and i just don't think i could bring myself to pay that much for a pair of tennis shoes, no matter how cute/comfy they may be. ugh.

enough about shopping. guess what.

my sister called and wants to go back to schlitterbahn when i visit in a week. WHEE. i have always wanted to go there, but recently i saw a show about it on the travel channel, and now i REALLY wanna go. so great. now i just need a tan and to lose 5-10 pounds. in 2 weeks. crap.

it's hard for me to exercise to begin with because i'm lazier than sin, but now it's really hard after the accident cuz my leg freakin' hurts all the time.

i talked to an old friend for like 3 hrs the other night. she's been married for a couple of years and i've always felt like i'm so much of a child compared to her, just because i haven't experienced half of the things she has, but she said better to be me than her-that she's like a 40 year old woman, and it's not all that super. (she raised her 3 younger siblings after her mom died and dad is GFN-good for nothing.) it felt good to ramble and whine about life for a while. sometimes it's just nice to know someone else feels the way you do about life and other stuff.

what shall i eat? well, take my quiz: Should I? quiz

blueavenue at 9:58 p.m.

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