June 30, 2005

a survey is an easy way out.

dearest lumenatrix posted this survey on her diary, and i figured i may was well answer it myself, since i'm too lazy to recap my time in Texas thus far. i did, however, take a few pictures, so when i get back to NY i'll be sure and post them. get excited.

1. What time did you get up this morning? - 7:45 am

2. Diamonds or pearls? - Diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? � Mr. and Mrs.
Smith. tonite with my parents. it was really quite good, surprisingly. and angelina jolie is one HOT mofo. ladies, keep your men away from that piece of ace.

4. What is your favourite TV show? � six feet under

5. What did you have for breakfast? � nothing. makes me sick to my stomach to eat b-fast usually.

6. What is your middle name? - elisa

7. What is your favourite cuisine? um, tex-mex.

8. What foods do you dislike? � coconut, onions, hominy

9. What kind of car do you drive? � hyundai elantra

11. What characteristic do you despise? - lots of them. uh, the one where someone thinks they've had just the hardest life, and the world owes them something. the whole martyr complex, i guess.

12. Favourite item of clothing? - i dunno. my gray hoodie jacket?

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would
you go? - florence. or hawaii.

14. What colour is your bathroom? � white and black.

15. Favourite brand of clothing? � hmm. i'd say guess, oxygen, and dkny. but mostly i buy cheap clothes; logo t-shirts and thrift store clothes, etc.

16. Where would you retire to? � florida or italy. hopefully somewhere with NICE weather for a change.

17. Favourite time of the day? - sunset

18. What was your most memorable birthday? - probably my 21st. we rented a hotel room in the west end, had a lot of fun.

19. Where were you born?- dallas, texas

21. Who do you least expect to send this back? � who cares?

22. Person you expect to send it back first? � NO ONE CARES.

23. What fabric detergent do you use? � all free and clear (no one cares about this one, either).

24. Pepsi or coke? diet whatever. pepsi one before they added splenda. but diet coke w/splenda RULES.

25. Are you a morning person or night owl? - night owl, hands down, all the way, baby.

26. What is your shoe size? 6 and 1/2-7.

27. Do you have any pets? - a cat named wayne has recently re-entered my life. sigh for wonderful wayne. pictures will follow soon.

28. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family
and friends? � do i LOOK like i want to share anything with my family? because i don't.

29. What did you want to be when you were little? lawyer/architect/interior decorator.

30. What are you meant to be doing today? � you mean tomorrow? dermotologist appt. in the morning, lunch w/mom and older bro and to see building site of older bro's new house, then cook-out at parents' house w/whole family for father's day and my oldest nephew's freaking 18th birthday. AGH. i don't think i'm going to have time to see my friends this visit. sigh.

oh. that's the end of the survey. there ya go.

i should hit the hay here pretty soon. my teeth are exceptionally clean right now as i went to the dentist and the ortho today. ha. everyone at the ortho commented on how good i look. not real sure about that, since i see me every day, and they see me twice a year. i have no idea WHAT i look like. i look the same to me. but yeah. i've been going to them since i was 12, and i spent so much time there over the years that they got to know me pretty well, so it's fun when i go in, cuz it's like seeing distant relatives or something.

well, i guess that's all she wrote for now. she being me, as usual. this internet service my parents have freaking SUCKS. you SUCK, sbcglobal!

i'm trying my darndest to catch up on everyone's diaries since i've been down in texas, but i missed a few days when i went to schlitterbahn, so bear with me. i started at the bottom of my buddy list and am working my way steadily to the top. but if ya'll could just do me a favor and not update anymore until i let you know i'm ready. ok that'd be great, thanks. lol. kidding. ya'll take care, now!

blueavenue at 11:28 p.m.

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