March 20, 2005


sometimes i hate myself for being so monstrously stupid. as in, way to go, sure, see a 9:45 movie when you have to be at work at 7:00 am the next morning. sure, brilliant, yeah.

it's 12:36. i have less than 4 hours to sleep if i want to be sure i get to work on time. am i serious? shit.

on a happier note, though, 'the upside of anger' was quite enjoyable. joan allen is very good, i must say. and kevin costner, man, it'd been a long time since i'd seen him in something that i actually LIKED him in. he was good. so anyway. why am i writing an entry right now, you ask, when i just attacked myself for still being awake? the answer is simple: no diaryland for 2 days is NO BUENO. it sure made me realize how addicted i am to it, though. man. i need a life. ha. oh dear. well, i'm outta hurra. say a prayer that i don't snap someone's arm in half tomorrow morning, those pains in the ass freaking guests. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, i yell many times a day when i leave the front desk and head into the office. it makes me feel better. a little.

i miss ya'll, d-land peeps! hurry, come back soon!

♥ G

blueavenue at 12:36 a.m.

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