August 15, 2005

somebody's got a case of the 'mondays!'

hedwig: no, i haven't read "Running With Scizzors," but i've actually been wanting to. i've heard such great things about Burroughs. (or however you spell it.) i definitely need to jump on that bandwagon.

also, i've been wanting to read "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safron Foer (or however you spell it), and they're making THAT into a movie (in fact, i think it's already been filmed) starring Elijah Wood, who i really like, so i should really get on that. geez with the books!

And I just (finally!) started reading "Me Talk Pretty One Day," which was lent to me ages ago by dearest friend muppet who left a hilarious post-it note inside the front cover which had me really laughing. also i couldn't believe that she had sent me the book so many months ago and that i guess i had never opened it because surely i would have noticed the note before...?? ah well, it was a good, needed laugh. (thanks muppet!) also, she has fabulous handwriting. i must say the same for other dear friend jumbly, who has also sent me goodies along the way. so in my experience, d-land folks have hard-core GREAT handwriting!

also, muppet! i found the receipt from when you bought the book, and it was from the Laguardia airport, which made me cry a little. well, in my head, at least. =) i hope dear JonQ/MIA himself is having enough fun for the rest of us up there in the City. shed a tear.

well, i started writing about books because i really have nothing interesting to say. shocker. i just saw the movie "must love dogs." i know, mark, i know: you warned me. but it was just that it started at a more convenient time than "wedding crashers," which is what we really should have seen regardless. if only for the sight of vince vaughn. of course, i do love me some john cusack; don't get me wrong.

my blind-ish date went shockingly well last night. seriously: i was shocked. we'll see if he actually calls, etc. i mean, guys usually call me when they say that we should hang out again, blahblahblah, but you just never know. i've had my fair share of losers/assholes. this guy does NOT seem like an asshole, though. he's cute, but with his fair share of dorkiness. i find this refreshing. sometimes the gorgeous, confident guys can be a real turn-off. the only weird thing is that he really reminds me of this guy who was in the show with me last year in forest hills. it's really bizarre. they don't actually look THAT much alike, but everytime i think of blinddate i picture showguy. it's a little disconcerting. i think i must have had some kind of redirected attraction for showguy, and i didn't even realize it at the time (because he was married to the other girl who played my part; we were double cast). it has just kind of surprised me, i guess. weird. so yeah.

oh! i need to call DC! DC, i'm calling you now. are you home?

man. i'm not sure how i ended up linking so many peeps in this entry, but hey! hi! howareya??!! if i didn't link you, don't think i don't love you. i do. linkage is fun.

well, people: i hate mondays, and it won't stop raining. i hate dallas, and that calls for one final link before i go: it's really funny/ironic/ok: sad how before, when i lived in new york, and saru used to talk about how much he hated dallas and how awful it was living here, how i used to try to make him feel better and tell him places he should go and that surely it wasn't that bad, was it? etc...and now that i'm back here again, living, not visiting, i want to shoot myself most of the time. i'm sure i will get back into the swing of things. i am. pretty. sure. yeah.

i finally got my check from my ex-job in NYC, those cheeky bastards! GUH. so i opened a new bank account today and everything. now i just need a job so i can keep putting money INto it before it starts dwindling (very, very quickly at this rate).

happy not monday anymore to all, and to all a good night!

blueavenue at 10:11 p.m.

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