November 10, 2003

monday, monday

MAN is it cold today. it doesn't matter what i do, my hands are perpetually icy. hate that. the funniest thing: right now i'm watching the three cats--one in the entry-way, one on the chair next to me, one on the coffee table--all three staring each other down. how great. so i got my history midterm back today (bout freakininny time) and i got a stinkin' 94! rock on wit my bad self. that was exciting.

what else? we went out to bfe long island to have dinner w/k's aunt, who flew into islip on a trip. nice. it is DANG cold outside.

i can't find my cd w/monteverdi's crudi amarilli on it, and i need to listen to it for my quiz tomorrow. but other than that, things are good.

i've REALLY got to call the dr. and get my meningitis shot and my hearing checked (i've been going kind of deaf over the past few years, and it's finally time to figure out if it's actually my ears or what.) i think i may have a voice lesson thursday. it's probably almost time for registration, which means i gotta get my butt in gear w/the two classes i have left to transfer (hopefully, if i can trix 'em enough). i'm thinking about how i really want TIVO for christmas. i really don't NEED anything, and that is what i really want. i mean of course i could pick out like 500 cds and dvd boxed sets, but tivo is a much better investment. i'll use it forever. till it breaks, anyway. i'm a tv fiend. so anyway, i don't know, cuz it's a bit expensive, but it is definitely much cheaper than when it first came out.

i am re-obsessed w/LOTR now. man i love that (those) movie(s).

blueavenue at 11:43 p.m.

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