March 31, 2005

life sucks and then you die. lol. that's a joke.

i just want to say that life is rough.

it's 3:33. heh. 2 days ago i saw 11:11 at night, then the next day i saw 1:11 both in the afternoon and the evening. i chuckled.

anyway, yeah about life being rough. i am trying to face all of my (many) issues head-on right now, which has resulted in serious anger/tears/frustration/helplessness/fear/worry/anxiety/etc. it's amazing how one event in your life can affect SO many facets of your personality and actions and just everything. amazing = annoying. heh. so i've been doing lots of thinking and self-analysis and trying not to avoid myself anymore. phew. like i said, it's rough. i've been ignoring my feelings for like, uh, my whole life. heh.

so anyway, how's everyone else doing? lol. oh, on

some happier notes:

1. i painted my bedroom a pale shade of aqua last night, and me likey. (no pictures in a LONG time, you've probably noticed, and that's because my camera sucks ASS and i don't have a new one yet.)

2. i was reading New York magazine monday night on the subway when i came across a short article on Bowlmor Lanes, the place we went for my 'white trash' birthday celebration. it mentioned that it's becoming a 'celebrity hotspot' (i hate that stupid phrase) and that not ONLY had mary-kate olsen been seen there, but alicia KEYS gathered all her friends there for her 24th birthday celeBRAtion. wowzah! cuz SO DID I, i thought. heh. funny. and fun. funny fun fun. kinda like chinny chin chin, yes?

3. drumroll please...I WORE FLIP-FLOPS TODAY! (let's all observe a moment of gleeful silence on behalf of 60-degree, flip-flop permitting weather...i am getting all my winter clothes together to box up and ship off to texas, as i will no longer need them soon! whee doggie. huzza!

well, i'm sure that's enough (uh) excitement for one night. i bought the cutest, pale, lime green, fake leather mousepad at target last week, and i love it. it was only like 5 bucks. k now, word to your mother, i'm up outta he-uh.

♥ G thang

blueavenue at 3:33 a.m.

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