January 22, 2005

inches of snow before i sleep...

boooooo snow. boo boo very boo snow. !!

it is supposed to snow a total of 18-24 inches by tomorrow. that is WAY not bueno, let me tell you. i don't even know if i'll be able to make it to work in the morning. i mean dear LORD that is just insane! plus, who knows how much we'll actually get considering that last night the estimate was 4-6 inches; by 2 pm today it was 12 inches, and now it's 18-24. the numbers are NOT lookin' good for us new yorkers. or for the kind, disoriented out-of-towners staying at my hotel. especially the ones whose flights have been cancelled. whoa. bummer, people. seriously.

man i am starving! i should eat right now and then write some more later. i actually almost typed "right more later." i don't think i've used the incorrect form of a homonym since the 4th grade. how odd. i did have kind of an 'off' day, i guess. hmm. must get some more sleep tonight. last night was rough; just couldn't get any decent sleep for some reason. i was paranoid all night and morning that i was going to sleep through my alarm, for some reason. i rarely have that kind of anxiety when i sleep. strange.

though i really hate having to commute (and walk around) in this weather, i do wish some of you could see it. those of you who don't ever experience large amounts of snow. it's something everyone should partake in once or twice in their lives. it's very...poetic. snow makes me think of forests/woods/robert frost. lol. must be his 'stopping by woods on a snowy evening.' funny, the things your brain remembers.

"but i have promises to keep
and miles to go before i sleep
and miles to go before i sleep."

so true, bob. so, so true.

blueavenue at 7:23 p.m.

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