September 04, 2004

hoodies for president

so i finally ordered a box spring for my stinking bed, which i probably already wrote in my last entry, but i can't remember. so tonight after work i start to pull out the bedframe i bought from its box, and i notice a label that reads "This frame fits Twin-size bedding." this worries me, as my bed is full-sized. but in a desperate attempt to pretend this isn't happening, as i purchased the frame 3 weeks ago, and couldn't i have noticed this sooner?, i pulled out the frame anyway. ALAS, it is, indeed, for a twin-sized bed. DAMMIT! anyway. i'm really pissed about this, cuz i was all excited about not sleeping on the floor anymore. but anyway. i just wanted to complain a bit.

i've gotta go to bed pretty much NOW because i've gotta get up and be at rehearsal at 2 tomorrow. now i know 2 pm isn't exactly early, but it's nearly 5 am already because i can't sleep for nothing these days. i'm exhausted and can't sleep. isn't that the worst?

i really want to go to the beach again before the summer is completely gone. i want to milk the rest of summer so that i'm really ready when hoodie season is here. what am i saying, i'm always ready for hoodie season.

blueavenue at 4:39 a.m.

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