August 29, 2004

i hate working, dontcha know.

i'm really starting to love this musical. the music is gorgeous and yet so...satirical? funny, anyway. it's awesome. i really think this role is going to be a lot of fun for me.

this is my rehearsal gear:

and my libretto:

i am gonna have to do some ballet, which should be really interesting since i'm about as graceful as an elephant. (i'm skinny, but i'm just awkward, like my arms are too long or something.) not to mention i have no ballet training whatsoever. but anyway.

i also really like the other people in the show. we had a lot of laughs at rehearsal today. and the old guy who was so mean at first is suddenly (as of yesterday) not mean anymore. he's quite nice now, actually. i don't know what happened to him, but i'm relieved. i'm a very nervous person to start with, but when someone is really uptight and on edge like that, it really makes me nervous and i can't relax.

so i breathed a huge sigh of relief yesterday when i noticed the change.

this is one of my favorite songs:

bart sings some of this song by himself, and then i join him for a duet. it is gorgeous and hilarious all at the same time, not unlike my musical theatre hero, stephen sondheim. yay.

bart, the guy who plays "the boy," seemed to be looking at me a lot today, but maybe i was just imagining it. maybe it's because i told him i thought his name should be "trey" instead of "bart." (there's a guy in the show named trey, and everytime someone calls his name i think they're talking about bart, because bart could be named trey.) i don't know. he probably just thinks i'm weird. he is cute, but in a dorky kind of way (which isn't necessarily a bad thing at all), and he also just turned 32, which is 9 years older than me and only one year younger than my sister. he seems much younger than that, but maybe it's just because she has 4 kids and has been married for 13 years, so it makes her seem a lot older. if bart had 4 kids and had been married since he was 20, he'd probably seem older, too. anyway.

this is my awesome batman forever shirt that i wore last night:

i think it used to be a t-shirt before the lady at style station cut it up and then put it back together again. it has aqua/teal, metallic, fat plastic thingees on it, and it laces up on the sides with green ribbon. whee, batman!

i've really been in a singing mood lately, and it's been a long time since i've felt that way. i don't know what happened, but for a while i was pretty 86ed from music, or at least singing it. i never stop listening to music, i'd go insane. i should go for another voice lesson, but i don't know if i'm ready to pay for one yet.

sometimes i really like having someone to do things with and just be with. but other times i just want to be alone again and not have to think about anyone else or wonder what anyone else is thinking or wonder what I'M thinking. does that make sense? but this whole dating thing has been very good for me in a lot of ways (since i usually never date). i think "usually never" is completely incorrect, but i don't mind.

kristen is bringing me some taco bell right now (YUM).

the republican national convention is this week, and the democrats are already all over the place protesting and all that crap. i hate politics and people who take politics too seriously and let politics consume their beings. it's great to have an opinion, but do you really have to crap all over people who don't agree with you? i mean is that really necessary? and all the parties do it, i don't mean just the democrats. i will be SO glad when this election is over if only because i won't have to hear about who i should vote for anymore. i mean, for the love of God, they started campaigning like two years ago, it seems. GEEZ, enough already. ugh. anyway.

i'm practicing my songs, and i'm almost thru the whole show, so i'm gonna get back to it.

i loves you, porgy:


blueavenue at 7:19 p.m.

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