September 16, 2004

Google this!

who keeps googling me??

i know there can't logically be multiple people googling Joseph Martin and The Awakening in such a short time span and them all click on my page.


oprah rules. i wish oprah would give ME a new car. that would rule, too. alas.

i opened a bank account. the guy who opened my account was really annoying and way too old to be hitting on me (as seems to be a discouraging trend), and i should have hit him. i have to start standing up for myself, but for some reason, i never think these things till after the fact, when it's too late. UGH. people suck. if you ever wait tables, it's discouraging, because you realize how many people really aren't good at heart, and how really you kind of hate a lot of people if you see them for who they really are. (i know i just said "really" a lot.) i mean, you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she treats waitstaff. (why does my computer keep pissing out on me?)

i cannot WAIT to get out of this job. only 4 more shifts, and i'm done.

on another note, i got my new mattress delivered yesterday (thank goodness, because my back is seriously out of whack from sleeping on the couch for a week).

i just don't know what to do with myself. seriously. i can't figure it out.

on another note, the father of my director for the play gave me a ride home Sunday, and we got into a discussion about the Waldorf/Steiner schools, of which i'd never heard. but it turns out this guy who started them, Rudolf Steiner, has this really interesting philosophy about education, and it's worth looking into. especially if you're interested in teaching. Waldorf education they have a teachers school for the Waldorf schools in upstate New York called Sunbridge College if you're really interested. when i say "you," i'm not really sure who "you" is, but that's o.k. it's o.k. with me, at least. heh.

also worth looking at: Our Name Is Mud some personal favorites (oh, who am i kidding, i want to buy them out):

greek coffee mug

big city dreams

NYC cookie jar

i don't know that i'd buy this, but it IS funny: exes in hell

that's all for now, i suppose.

if anyone has a job for me in NYC, let me know. yep, thanks.

and oh yeah--i finally returned my stuff to the library...i owed...25 bucks! oops!

blueavenue at 11:25 p.m.

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