March 13, 2005

the day after my birthday.

well technically it's the 13th now, but whatever. you get it.

new private entry: HERE. again, drop a comment/emails/etc.

and hopefully you can view some b-day pics taken by kristen HERE.

i really hope so, i've never tried to link a yahoo album before. i'll see.

i had a very nice birthday. thanks so much for all your well wishes; they seemed to pay off. it was very relaxing and also fun and also the snow last night was incredible. don't get me wrong: i generally detest the snow, as it usually impedes me in some way or another, but this snowfall was just absolutely breathtaking. i've never seen such huge snowflakes in my LIFE. it was insane. like a movie scene, without a doubt. ah. anyway, i should REALLY get to bed because i'm going to work tomorrow you know. hehe. work. oh YEAH, WORK. i nearly forgot. sigh.

please enjoy your sunday, the day of rest for normal people with normal jobs. =)

blueavenue at 3:15 a.m.

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