October 23, 2004

SGA: sorority girls anonymous

what i want to know is WHY, when these pervs do searches for 'little girls in panties' or 'big girls', they actually CLICK on MY website, when it's quite clear it is NOT porn. i just don't get that. but oh well. i guess i just don't understand perv logic.

i actually got some stuff done today. we went to lunch at the chinese buffet, which was hit and miss. their soft serve ice cream tasted really weird. went to the bank, bought a printer cartridge to print some resumes, got some bed risers (finally), bought a tea kettle, some odds and ends at bed, bath, and beyond. AND bed, bath and beyond now has a pharmacy/toiletries section!! it's awesome! i got some biolage shampoo (which i've been desperately missing), some eucerin face wash, and some eye make-up remover! it was awesome. anyway...i need to shower and study my lines/music before rehearsal tomorrow, which, by the way, is from 12 to freaking 5 pm! wheeeee! it's gonna be a long day, because time warner is coming to hook up my cable sometime between 8 and 12. which is why i have to shower tonight, 'cause don't you know, if i took one in the morning, the cable guy'd show up the second i got naked. or nekkid, as fellow texans might say. anyway. K showed me her My Yahoo page she fixed up today, and it was really cool. you can completely customize it. i'm most interested in the t.v. listings, horoscopes, weather, and the word of the day. yay! i love learning new words. that's why i did so well on the SATs. i pretty much memorized tons of "SAT words" because i liked it anyway. not that i remember many of them now. but oh well.

tonight i was looking through old college pics from sorority functions and frat parties, and it's SO weird. it just seems like forever ago. but really it's only been 3-4 years. but that IS forever ago when you're 23, i guess. well, i swear, life is gonna pass me by here pretty soon. i gotta get moving on it.
OK, i'm off!

blueavenue at 1:33 a.m.

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